A mother's life

A day in the life of a mum is often a blur of rushed activity, trying to ensure that everything is done that keeps the family ticking over - are they fed, watered, cleaned, taxied, homeworked, etc to say nothing of the other basic household chores that often take over your life. I have decided that everyone needs the opportunity to tap into their creative or indulgent side and make, bake, read, watch or pursue something that you feel makes you individual. If I can do it..... so can you.

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product
I'm really pleased with this attempt

Charm bracelet - beginning

Charm bracelet - beginning
Here goes!!!

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle
a late night/morning but success at last

Beginning of knitted bracelet

Beginning of knitted bracelet
Here goes!!!

Friday 1 April 2011

jayjay's jewels: Beaded bracelet Part 1

jayjay's jewels: Beaded bracelet Part 1: "Well, first part of the task completed. I've had to thread all the tiny beads onto the wire in order to enable to get me started with ..."

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