A mother's life

A day in the life of a mum is often a blur of rushed activity, trying to ensure that everything is done that keeps the family ticking over - are they fed, watered, cleaned, taxied, homeworked, etc to say nothing of the other basic household chores that often take over your life. I have decided that everyone needs the opportunity to tap into their creative or indulgent side and make, bake, read, watch or pursue something that you feel makes you individual. If I can do it..... so can you.

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product
I'm really pleased with this attempt

Charm bracelet - beginning

Charm bracelet - beginning
Here goes!!!

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle
a late night/morning but success at last

Beginning of knitted bracelet

Beginning of knitted bracelet
Here goes!!!

Friday 1 April 2011

Beaded bracelet Part 1

Well, first part of the task completed.  I've had to thread all the tiny beads onto the wire in order to enable to get me started with the knitting.  First things first, I realised that my eyesight was letting me down and I had to get my glasses on so that I could concentrate on the finer detail.  Bliss, now I can see again I thought as I slowly and painstakingly threaded all the beads onto the wire.  I must admit, the wire/bead colour combination looks quite good and just wrapped around the tube the beading looks quite satisfying.  Obviously it's the little things in life that please me.  I have also realised that I don't have the right sized knitting needles.  The required size is 3.25mm and the closest I have is 3.75mm (what's 0.50mm) between friends (or wire and beads in this case).  Anyway, I've decided to give it a go with these needles as a first attempt and if it works and looks relatively okay after the fact I will splash out and buy another pair of needles.  The only problem now is that I can't remember how to cast on!!!  Knit I can do but cast on seems to be the problem.  Will have to see if I can find a tutorial on the net to bring me up to speed.  Bear with me, I'll let you know how I progress.  More later with hopefully a profile picture and pictures of my attempt to follow.  Love jayjay

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