A mother's life

A day in the life of a mum is often a blur of rushed activity, trying to ensure that everything is done that keeps the family ticking over - are they fed, watered, cleaned, taxied, homeworked, etc to say nothing of the other basic household chores that often take over your life. I have decided that everyone needs the opportunity to tap into their creative or indulgent side and make, bake, read, watch or pursue something that you feel makes you individual. If I can do it..... so can you.

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product
I'm really pleased with this attempt

Charm bracelet - beginning

Charm bracelet - beginning
Here goes!!!

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle
a late night/morning but success at last

Beginning of knitted bracelet

Beginning of knitted bracelet
Here goes!!!

Friday 1 April 2011

1st April 2011 - Day 1 HELP!!!!

Today is April Fool's Day - not perhaps the best day to start a blog but as the saying goes .... nothing ventured I'm venturing into the unknown.  I have always viewed myself as completely uncreative and uncrafty but everyone says that there is a creative side to everyone so I'm going to attempt to tap into my creative skills. I would like to invite you to come along with me and try some of my attempts at home too.  Who knows.  Maybe we can get creative together.  I have just received a jewellery kit bought from an online store where I am going to attempt to knit a bracelet with wire.  I am hoping that my knitting skills, not very good I might add, will be remembered as I attempt this kit.  I can vaguely remember knitting at primary school, I attended a convent school in South Africa, but I also recall my mother often finishing off the projects I was meant to be doing.  So here goes.  The kit is for a knitted bangle, the illustration looks beautiful and full instructions are enclosed so surely even I can do it.  Anyway, this is my first blog, I've got to get ready for work now but more later.  See you soon.  Love jayjay

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