A mother's life

A day in the life of a mum is often a blur of rushed activity, trying to ensure that everything is done that keeps the family ticking over - are they fed, watered, cleaned, taxied, homeworked, etc to say nothing of the other basic household chores that often take over your life. I have decided that everyone needs the opportunity to tap into their creative or indulgent side and make, bake, read, watch or pursue something that you feel makes you individual. If I can do it..... so can you.

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product
I'm really pleased with this attempt

Charm bracelet - beginning

Charm bracelet - beginning
Here goes!!!

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle
a late night/morning but success at last

Beginning of knitted bracelet

Beginning of knitted bracelet
Here goes!!!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Beaded Bracelet - It's finished

Well mad or not I stayed up until 1.30am determined to finish knitting this bracelet (which turns out to be a bangle) - I should have read the instructions more clearly in the beginning.  Really pleased to say that the finished bangle does look like a bangle (so that's a result in itself) but I think I would probably choose a different colour scheme next time as the brown beads don't really seem to show up on the brown wire.

Anyway, today is Mother's Day and I was woken up by 12 year old daughter giving me breakfast in bed (cold toast I might add) but it's amazing how good cold toast can taste depending on the circumstances and trust it it tasted really GOOD.  Lovely Mother's Day card too written in by daughter and son though when I asked 15 year old son whether he wrote in the card he looked at me completely blank and had to run upstairs to verify that it was his hand-writing in the card.  It was PHEW - I wasn't going mad I thought I could recognise my son's handwriting.

Anyway back to the bangle.  Have now got the challenge of fitting jump rings and lobster clasp to the bangle.  Really quite logical as it wouldn't stay on my wrist otherwise.  I think I will take my large 4 legged friend for a walk and then attempt that challenge.  More later.  love jayjay

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