A mother's life

A day in the life of a mum is often a blur of rushed activity, trying to ensure that everything is done that keeps the family ticking over - are they fed, watered, cleaned, taxied, homeworked, etc to say nothing of the other basic household chores that often take over your life. I have decided that everyone needs the opportunity to tap into their creative or indulgent side and make, bake, read, watch or pursue something that you feel makes you individual. If I can do it..... so can you.

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product

Charm bracelet x 2 - The finished product
I'm really pleased with this attempt

Charm bracelet - beginning

Charm bracelet - beginning
Here goes!!!

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle

The Finished Product - Knitted Bangle
a late night/morning but success at last

Beginning of knitted bracelet

Beginning of knitted bracelet
Here goes!!!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Texas Cornbread

Well we've gone American - not quite back to my roots (my are from up north I believe - Yorkshire) with a large dollop of South African in but decided to do something different for dinner.  The children are always complaining 'same-old, same-old' so decided to resort to an alternative to putting a sock in it and make something different (that's not to say I don't experiment in the kitchen just perhaps not as much as I'd like to).  Anyway, sourced this recipe in one of my numerous cookbooks - I LOVE COOKBOOKS - and decided to give it a go.  Bought the cornmeal, buttermilk and searched high and low for creamed corn (couldn't find the stuff so resorted to normal corn) and whipped it up in two stages.  Cooked the mince and onions last night in preparation and when I came home today completed and compiled the dish.  Served it with a mixed leaf and tomato salad and even if I say so myself, it's not bad at all.  So I'm really quite pleased I've found an alternative to my usual fail safe weekday meals, especially as I nearly always try to ensure that I have at least 1 frozen portion of mince and onions in the freezer in case of pure chaos and lack of time.

My knitting nancy endeavour with the beads has temporarily gone out the window.  The knitting nancy seems to have a dip in it at every peg and seeing as the wire is quite fine it falls quite close to the dip so I need to source another knitting nancy.  In the meantime seeing as I took all the time to thread the beads onto the wire I am currently crocheting a thin beaded bracelet and I must say, I quite like the colours.

Anyway, more later as need to take 4 legged friend for a walk. 
Love jayjay

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